What if….

You could use the energy from your workout to power your coffee machine? It is possible! The Anomatic Coffee Machine is the most sustainable and heathiest coffee machine in the world.

Our goal is to turn wasted energy from systems (like heat from fridges and lighting, movement from workouts, etc.) into coffee. The machines are electricity-free and no energy is added! Why not make a delicious espresso during your long car drive, heated by your engine for free! Or stay fit during a working day with a 3-minute workout and get a nice espresso as a reward.

How does the fitness model work?

Do a short workout like cycling, rowing, cross training. Add some resistance to your workout, to make it effective. The resistance is caused by friction. The friction heats up the water. A cold machine needs about 3 to 5 minutes to heat the water to 94 degrees (it would take just one minute to make the second cup!).

After heating up the water, you can grind the coffee beans by continuing your workout for approximately 10 seconds. Tamp the ground coffee by moving the lever and press the water through with 9 bars by pulling the lever down. All parameters can be controlled on the dashboard. It’s easy, anybody can do it - just set the resistance to suit you.

I want one

Do you want to stay fit while working in the office? A short 3-minute workout will make you feel sharp again, and you can make it last longer by rewarding yourself with an espresso. Or are you interested in a fitness machine that uses its energy to make tasty espressos?

Only 5 Anomatic Coffee Machines are for sale now. Each one is unique and customized. If you’re looking for a different solution, we have many concepts. Contact us and we will look where we can find wasted energy at your location for a coffee machine. And look for a sustainable way to turn this into coffee for you. Our test machine is for hire as well.

If you have a festival, shop opening or other event, please send us an email.

What is possible?

By fitting products to the specific places of use, we open up many new possibilities for making sustainable products. Imagine using the heat of your car engine to make a delicious espresso on your car trip (instead of the gas station coffee). Or a fridge needs to cool the products inside and produce heat on the outside at the same time, why don’t we use this to heat our water for a cup of coffee? A gym combined with an espresso bar?

Why this idea

As an industrial product designer and engineer I am inspired by the Cradle to Cradle-philosophy, blue economy, donut economy. And I feel that it’s my duty to create good products, there must be no option to buy bad products. To realise this I combined my knowledge of medical machine-design, lightning- and cabling systems, interactive machines for festivals (www.rabonk.com), and my passion for coffee.

Later on, Rob Grip and Jeroen Wilts joined the team to turn the ideas into smooth working products. The biggest step to make a sustainable product is to get rid of dirty energy. No fossil energy, that also means no batteries, not burning things (because of the small particles in the air), but using things that are easily renewable. For example in the fitness version we turn the mechanical energy created by friction into heat. For the friction we use a wooden disc.

Our goal is for the tree to grow faster than we use wooden discs. Our dream is to use walking energy (with every step, your body mass weight gets up 3cm every step, but also down 3cm (kinetic energy)) this energy we wanted to turn into coffee. We created different test models to test the most difficult part, the water heating system. For the walking persons we use a bike for easy testing. This year we managed to get the control on the heating systems.

At the Amsterdam Coffee Festival 2018 we got so many good reviews, and questions about a production model, that we decided to produce a small batch of 5 Anomatic Coffee Machines.

See in action (video)


Our goal is to turn wasted energy from systems (like heat from fridges and lighting, movement from workouts, etc.) into coffee. An important part is that no energy is added! The energy had to be already there. Don’t do extra things to create it. Car example; If you had to drive from A to B, the engine of your car gets hot. We only use this heat for our coffee machine, so you do not have to tank extra gasoline. Nor did the gas station have to heat water for you.

Fitness example: If you want to stay in shape and go to a gym, you have to train with some resistance for a workout (like pushing a weight up and down, a brake on your spinning bike to simulate climbing a hill, etc.) we use this resistance to heat the water. We want to use directly recycled materials, where it is a benefit.

Why remake things that are already there. What we do is redesign it, so all parts fits together as one design. That makes every product unique. Like light roasted single estate coffee, the taste depends on the season and it is always different.

The Anomatic Coffee Machine-Team

Ditmar van Dam (founder, industrial product designer and engineer, coffee specialist) Has been running his industrial design and engineering company for over fifteen years. Has designed and engineered medical machines, pancake machines, blow ups for in public areas, an interactive shaving game, and many more. Since 2008 he has been focusing on cradle to cradle design and started making ideas for the most sustainable coffee machines.

Rob Grip (Paddle driven machine specialist) Besides making beautiful kinetic artwork, he’s well known for making reliable blender bikes. He already turns many different machines into paddle driven ones.

Jeroen Wilts (Fine mechanic, the man of precision) To make something work very well, you need precision. Jeroen combines his skills with his love for theoretical music, and turns this into musical instrument.

And many thanks to our helpers (in random order), Kees van der Westen (Espressionistics Works BV), Iris van Sen, Pieter (Ratworks), Jochem Telle, Marc Buddendorf, Willem Huisman (Brita), Hans Tietema (Kaldi), Beerepoot Metaal BV, Annemieke Huls, Boot Koffie, prof. dr. H. Snieder, DRS, Studio Plakband, Koffiestation, Peter van Dam, Spaak Koffie & Koers, Joel Langer, Coen Miedema, vereniging Broedplaat de Campagne, Buro Baum And apologies to anyone whose name we forgot to put on the list but who has done such a great job for us.

Contact information


Phone: +31 (0)6 270 375 94

Concordiastraat 68, 9741 BH Groningen, the Netherlands

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